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Ode to Crazy Horse

Thunkasila, omakiyayo… omakiyayo
(Grandfather, help me… help me)

First on the field leading the way
As you charged into battle you would cry “Hoka Hey!”
It was you who would say “It is a good day to die”
Fighting for the young the old and feeble
In the last days of freedom for your people
You never gave up
Lakota pride till the end
True to your ways you would not bend
Even when you brought your people in
The way it ended was a crime and a sin

Warrior oh great warrior
You’re still missed today
Your bravery your courage
The freedom of the old days
Warrior oh great warrior
You inspire the beauty of the old ways

Give it all away is what your vision did say
And so you did
Humble peaceful man
Never afraid to take a stand
True to your heart you always did your part
Even though you knew what was in store
It was unlike anything you’d known before
You still held out they called you wild
Succumbing to providence was not your style

Warrior oh great warrior
You’re still missed today
Your bravery your courage
The freedom of the old days
Warrior oh great warrior
You inspire the beauty of the old ways

Help me understand the changes that are coming
Give me strength to protect my people

Thunkasila Pilamaya, woLakota miye yelo,
(Grandfather thank you, peace /balance am I)
Cante Tiza akicita, cokata hiyupo ..
(Brave Heart Warriors, come to the center)
Hoka Hey!
(Let’s Go!)

You paid the price by losing your life
Stabbed in the back held by your own
Oh but you’d known
Because again in your vision you’d been show
So it was no surprise
The confusion of the people so many lies
If you’d have lived they’d have put you in a cell
For a man of such great freedom you’d have not fared well
Fly great spirit be free and live on

Aho, hetchetu aloh.. Pilamaya, Wopila
(Indeed, it is so… Thank You, Thanks for all existence)
Mitakuye Oyasin
(All my relations)

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